Washington Automated is proud to announce we are an authorized dealer for Girbau Industrial Ironers and Folders.
Girbau Industrial delivers the total laundry solution to medium- and high-volume laundries. As the developer of a proven line of batch tunnel washers, presses, dryers, ironers, feeders, folders, stackers and loading and unloading systems, Girbau Industrial serves the complete laundry production and efficiency needs of virtually any application.
Girbau Industrial Ironing Systems
GC24130 - Compact 5-in-One Ironing System
Engineered for medium- and high-volume laundries where space is at a premium, the Compact 5-in-One Ironing System not only features a compact design, it quickly feeds, irons, folds, stacks and accumulates at speeds of up to 32-feet-per-minute — improving PPOH (pounds per operator hour).
More Information: GC24130.pdf
GC32130 - Compact 5-in-One Ironing System
Engineered for medium- and high-volume laundries where space is at a premium, the Compact 5-in-One Ironing System not only features a compact design, it quickly feeds, irons, folds, stacks and accumulates at speeds of up to 49-feet-per-minute — improving PPOH (pounds per operator hour).
More Information: GC32130.pdf
PC80 - Flatwork Industrial Ironer
PRODUCTIVITY – Producing a flawless finish at rapid speeds, while maintaining up to 93 percent energy-efficiency, the PC-80 Flatwork Ironer is highly programmable for unsurpassed ironing, no matter the item type. Robust and durable, it boasts ironing speeds up to 148 ft./min.
More Information: PC80.pdf
PC120 - Flatwork Industrial Ironer
PRODUCTIVITY – Delivering a superior finish, the PC120 offers advanced productivity, speeds up to 164 ft./min., and the ability to quickly iron a variety of items and dimensions.
More Information: PC120.pdf
DRF - Multi-Station Spreader Feeder
The DRF is quickly convertible to handle both large-, medium- and small-piece goods, making it highly desirable for high-volume laundries handling a variety of items. Offering unrivaled productivity and quality, the DRF automatically straightens and feeds more than 1,200 large-sized items per hour, from one lane, into any height flatwork ironer.
More Information: DRF.pdf
Girbau Industrial Folders
FRB - Flatwork Folder
A highly programmable folder offering one, two or four feeding lanes and the ability to automatically perform two to three primary folds and up to three cross folds, the FRB delivers high-quality, automated folding of small and large items alike. Using air-jet technology, the FRB offers an advanced touch-screen control, multi-program operation, and quality components for consistent, quality folding. The thickness of the article is automatically taken into account during the first cross-fold. A retractable pneumatic roller works in conjunction with a mechanical blade to automatically adjust the opening distance for item thickness — ensuring precise folding.
More Information: FRB.pdf
FTMAXI - Towel Folder & Stacker
The FT MAXI is a highly productive, multiuse folder that classifies, folds and stacks towels. Equipped with air-jet folding, the FT MAXI processes up to 900 pieces/hour, depending on the item, the type of fold and the operator’s skill.
More Information: FTMAXI.pdf |